Eyeliner Tricks for Monolid Eyes

Eyeliner Tricks for Monolid Eyes


If your eyes are flat on the surface and have no crease (or a very, very small one), you have monolid eyes. Because there is essentially no eyelid to be seen, what you do with your eyeliner makes a big difference. It's key to adding dimension and creating the illusion of depth.


The tightlining technique works very well on monolid eyes. It highlights and draws attention to eyes without creating a heavily made-up look.

Focus on the Lower Lash

Defining the lower lash line can really help open up the eye. However, to maximize this effect, don't draw your line all the way to your inner corner. Stop about two thirds of the way in.

Color It In

Add a bright line of color (we love Urban Decay Slide On Pencil in Sunrise Blue) right over your defining line. Since there's next to no eyelid, this shade will really show.

Liner Notes

Here are a couple things to keep in mind when lining a monolid:

  • The good news? Because monolid eyes have no crease (or a very slight one), you don't have to worry about eyeliner smudging on your lid when you blink!
  • When you're applying eyeliner, look up, not down. Monolid eyes tend to shift shape when you look in different directions.
  • Extend your liner on your lower lash line just past the outer corner, connecting it with your upper line to make your eyes appear wider and lashes look longer.
  • Because of the tiny fold right above the eye, it's very hard to line a monolid eye in one stroke. As a result, a pencil eyeliner, like Maybelline Line Express Eyeliner, might be easier to use than liquid.

What's your favorite eyeliner look for monolid eyes?
Tell us in the comments!

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