Free Spirited Friday.................. Here's to the next 25!

Free Spirited Friday.................. Here's to the next 25!


Morning honeys!

So, for those of you that don't follow me on instagram (sorry to those of you that do!) you'll know that yesterday marked a quarter century of my life on this fine earth! And to say we celebrated in style was an understatement...


Champagne, beautiful gifts and THOSE homemade (like, entirely from scratch!) pretzels.

It was BEYOND.

Of course, I couldn't help but share this loveliness with you, as well as 25 little pearls that I've learnt about myself and life in my years on this earth! Hope this gives you beautiful people some crazy-good Friday vibes.

I am feelin' the love!

Ps. If you want any extra details/link on any of my lovely birthday gifts - just drop a comment at the end of the post and I'll fill y'all in X X

My lovely mama + I took a little trip to Carluccio's for more bubbles + dessert

Seriously though, those pretzels were insane! So much so, that I demanded the recipe from my hubby (call me a diva, I know!). Y'all now officially need to get your bake on tonight!

Ok so, 25 thinks I've learned in 25 years:

one: marrying your best friend will be the best thing you'll ever do

two: stretching is good

three: although picking off one's nail varnish feels good at the time (like peeling off PVA when you were a kid) the aftermath is horrendous

four: blow drys are overrated

five: singing lifts the soul

six: iced coffee is always a good idea

seven: mothers make fabulous best friends

eight: if the ponytail doesn't work by the third attempt, it ain't happening

nine: wool may sound like a good idea. But it's kinda itchy

ten: less is most definitely more

eleven: silence is okay, in fact sometimes it's preferred

twelve: dogs really are man's best friend

thirteen: I can't say no to denim

fourteen: listening is key

fifteen: it's not about what you have. It's about who

sixteen: there's something to be loved in every season

seventeen: opinion is irrelevant

eighteen: fresh air heals

nineteen: more often than not, it's a case of mind over matter

twenty: I am a sci-fi fan and there's no point denying it

twenty one: even if it means slightly larger hips, midnight snacks are worth it

twenty two: you never really lose anyone, they're still here with you

twenty three: I only like warm lighting, anything else is not ok

twenty four: I like to write in slang, a lot

twenty five: leopard print is as versatile as a nude

Remember the post on the power of essential oils we wrote earlier this month? Well, this diffuser + oil has not left my side since it arrived yesterday c/o my mama! Just incredible!

...On that note, it must be about time for more champagne!

Big happy Friday love to you all! Have a sick weekend and we'll see you fresh Monday morning for more awesomeness!

Peace + Love

Clare X

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