Christian Marc Photography - Polka Dot Bride

Christian Marc Photography - Polka Dot Bride


Happy Monday Dotties! Another week, albeit a short one is ahead of us and packed full of exciting wedding inspiration! With Autumn well and truly here, the candles are here, the scarves are on and cups of coffee are flowing!

Before we kick off our own week of happy wedding inspiration it's time to highlight, spotlight and show off the members of Ms Polka Dot's Directory. We have Entertainment, we have Bridal Gown Services we have Celebrants we even have Favours & Decor Accessories! We work really hard to get vendors on board who are lovely - they're excited to share a cup of tea and help you plan the best wedding day possible!

Check out Ms Polka Dot's Directory for wedding vendors who will love your wedding as much as you!

Being passionate about your chosen profession must surely be one of the great gifts of life. Christian of Christian Marc Photography loves his pictures to tell the story of the couple, the wedding day and the stolen moments. His passion for capturing the authentic, vulnerable and special moments is evident in the images - they are a moment in time, behind which there is always a complete story. We're proud to have Christian as this week's vendor of the week!

We asked Christian of Christian Marc Photography five questions in five minutes -

What is your favourite after five drink?

I go "all out" with a wild cup of Peppermint or Liquorice Tea!

Your favourite weekend getaway?

Anywhere surrounded by trees, nature and my beautiful wife! The Dandenong Ranges in particular keep drawing me back time and time again.

Favourite restaurant?

The Veggie Bar in Brunswick, Melbourne - LOVE the variety of Vegan options on the menu and the cool vibe on any night of the week.

What can we find you eating for breakfast on a Sunday morning?

A delicious Tofu Scramble with Avocado with a big banana/date and spinach smoothie to wash it down... mmmm - dates!

Your favourite wedding story?

Still one of the very first couples I photographed. Their meeting was such a beautiful love story. He was Italian barely speaking a word of English, she was Aussie and kept smiling at him from across the room in the local Italian Cafe where he worked. When he finally plucked up enough courage to make contact their relationship commenced with many a text and Google translation! Just months later they set their mid-week wedding date and I was honoured to not only be able to shoot their day but be included in such an intimate gathering of family and friends from 2 countries - the love was clear through the day. I now see this couple every now and then still working at the same Cafe but now with 2 beautiful children - I can't help but feel connected to their lives.

Visit Christian Marc Photography's page to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week. Christian Marc Photography is a member of Ms Polka Dot's Directory

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