Top Honeymoon Beauty Essential Tips!

Top Honeymoon Beauty Essential Tips!


So your wedding plans are in full swing and your thoughts turn to that moment of calm after the big event - the honeymoon. Whether you are jetting off to a tropical isle or staying at a glamorous European resort, hair and make up expert Carey Hawkins shares her Top Honeymoon beauty essential tips to keep you looking good and returning home refreshed.

1. Post Wedding Relaxation!

Your honeymoon is your time to re-charge after the hectic months of planning a wedding so start with some time just for you! Pack a Neom Organics Perfect Bliss Travel Candle to help with relaxation and to make your room smell amazing.

2. Light Activity

Keep lightly active the first few days. Tempting as it is to flop onto a sun lounger, any stress you had during your wedding can lower your immune system (and the air con on the plane) and if you stop completely you may end up with a cold or sore throat.

3. Skin Pampering

Pamper your skin in the shower to ensure a lasting tan and glowing skin. Try Organic Surge Cedar & Sweet Orange Shower Gel (popped into a travel bottle) loaded with aloe-vera to soothe sun parched skin

4. Soft and Natural Hair

Keep your hair soft and natural with either a salt spray (try the re-introduced John Frieda) or curl enhancer to keep any frizz under control. Also try pin curling your hair with some simple grips and the heat of the sun will set the curl, leaving you with natural soft waves.

5. Simple Make up

Make up should be simple and fun. Choose a bright summer coral for your lips, waterproof mascara and a peachy blush for a tan enhancing glow.

6. Sunscreen

Sunscreen - don't forget to protect! SPF 50 for your face and at least a 30 for your body will allow your skin a soft colour without the risk of long term damage. For hair I love Phyto PhytoPlage Sunveil.

7. Smell divine!

Don't forget your signature fragrance. I love my Travalo perfume spray which allows you to decant your perfume with ease and would be enough for at least 10 days.

Carey Hawkins is a freelance make up artist and hairstylist. She is a regular contributor to FWS. Carey specialises in Weddings and lives in France. For more information visit:

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