Bohemian inspired wedding in Antibes

Bohemian inspired wedding in Antibes


Happy Monday and today we are off to the beautiful Cote d'Azur in the South of France for the Bohemian inspired wedding in Antibes of Cedric and Michelle, captured by Katy Webb Photography. Frenchman Cedric and Canadian yoga instructor, Michelle decided to get marroied in the south of France in a stunning villa, with a cool swimming pool at the ready and Michelle's beautiful little was one to envy!

The morning began at Villa Avenue des Chenes, Antibes with Michelle's prep, which was created by the two very talented ladies; hair stylist; Elodie Tonial Aubert and make-up artist Irina Awad. The presence of yoga in Michelle's life was clear, she made everyone feel calm and relaxed.

The wedding took place in the historic town Mairie, which is famous for housing an original Chagall painting. The ceremony was followed by a procession along the Town ramparts with the beautiful Mediterranean Sea as the backdrop.

Michelle and Cedric are lucky enough to call this beautiful town home...for the time being anyway, until they begin their new life with their family in China!

The reception took place at the villa where the couple's vision, of a relaxed, rustic and typically French wedding was realised. The venue had been beautifully decorated with tonnes of simple, chic flowers in pretty jam jars by Sharon Maggs at Creatif Flowers and bunting with a matching colour scheme.

We were met with an apero, and immediately made to feel welcome, with the couple insisting on everyone removing their shoes and cooling off in the pool - which was a welcomed relief from the 35 degree heat.

One of the most important aspects of Michelle and Cedric's day was the amazing vegan food! Created from scratch using locally sourced BIO certified ingredients; the only one of it's kind in Antibes, Chez Helen and her partner provided the guests with a delicious banquet, that was enjoyed on the terrace followed by pretty little cupcakes in place of a typical wedding cake.

The remainder of the afternoon was spent with their closest friends and family next to the pool, taking in the live music and beautiful sunshine!

Wedding Suppliers:

Photographer: Katy Webb | Flowers - Sharon Maggs | Hair Stylist - Elody Tonial Aubert | Make-up artist - Irina Awad | Food/Drink - CHEZ HELENS - VEGAN VEGETARIAN RESTAURANT

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