Why this wife doesn't plan on staying married to the person she married four years ago | @offbeatbride

Why this wife doesn't plan on staying married to the person she married four years ago | @offbeatbride


On our sister site, Offbeat Home, we published a beautiful post - I don't plan to stay married to the person I'm married to today.

Before you freak out, here's an excerpt:

Soon, I will celebrate four years of marriage. However, I'm not married to the same person I married those four years ago; nor do I plan to remain married to the person I'm married to today.

Sure, I formed the statement this way for the shock value, but in all honesty, I'll never be married to the same person day-to-day. In fact, my husband is not married to the same person he married four years ago.

Neither of us have maintained anything but our names and a few nature-provided traits. When I look back even further to when we first started dating, seven years ago, I see memories of 17-year-old Stephani and 19-year-old Calvin. I see two children unaware of the heartbreak, horror, success, love, and other experiences we have faced since.

Click over to read the rest. It's a sweet post, and, as one commenter put it, "Beautiful writing, beautiful picture of marriage... This is such a level-headed way to approach marriage, and more than that, all of our relationships in this life."

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