Creative DIY Straw Wedding Backdrop To Make | Weddingomania

Creative DIY Straw Wedding Backdrop To Make | Weddingomania


We've already told you about making various wedding décor details from straws. So it's time for creating a backdrop from them! Let's start! You'll need string, plastic straws, spray paint, large needle, scissors, command hooks or clear tacks and clips. Cut your straws in half. You will need approximately 1500 cut straws to make a photo booth-sized backdrop. Thread your needle to a 9-10 foot long piece of string. Attach the other end of the string to a clothes hanger by using the mini clips or simply tying the string on. Thread the string through the cut straws. Continue stringing until you have about a hundred strands and then spray paint the strands in whatever colors you choose. Read here next steps of the instruction.

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