9 kitschy wedding recipes to steal from Charles Phoenix's test kitchen

9 kitschy wedding recipes to steal from Charles Phoenix's test kitchen


The holidays, they encroach. Like the engagement ring commercials in November, the over-the-top recipes of my favorite hero of kitsch, Charles Pheonix, start popping up all over the internet and morning TV shows. If you haven't heard of Charles Phoenix, maybe you have heard of his chermpumple - the turducken of desserts? It's a three-layer cake with a cherry, pumpkin, and apple pie stuffed in each layer.

Wouldn't that be amazing at your wedding? Screw pie or cake - have both!

Here are even more awesome kitschy wedding food ideas from Charles Phoenix's test kitchen ...

4. Tiki turkey dinner for your vintage Hawaiian luau wedding

7. The "inchezonya" - Enchilada and lasagna married at last, just like you!

8. Astro weenie ball as appetizers for your casual cocktails reception

9. Of course The Cherpumple for any fucking wedding any fucking time!

What are your favorite kitschy wedding recipes? We have a bunch over on Offbeat Home & Life. But can we steal them from you too?

Megan Finley

Megan Finley is the Associate Publisher and Editorial Overlord. When she's not slaving away for the Empire, she's sharing her dork side on her own blog.

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