Our Favorite Bouquets from 2015

Our Favorite Bouquets from 2015


Happy Friday + Happy 2016, friends! We hope your new year is off to a great start! We wanted to close the week with our final 2015 recap post - The Best Bouquets from last year! Yep, we can officially say that now!

We think a great bouquet can really take a wedding or shoot to the next level + this year on GWS we definitely saw our fair share of gorgeous ones! From monochrome beauties to colorful creations, the bouquets that made our list of faves this year are all so beautiful + unique. But one thing that they all had in common? Texture, texture, texture!

In no particular order, here are our fave bouquets from the past 12 months!

1. This Autumnal Woodland Bouquet

2. This Bright Hot Pink Bouquet

3. This Flower Farm Bouquet

4. This All-Green Airplant Bouquet

5. This Pink Bougainvillea Bouquet

6. This Petite White + Green Bouquet

7. This King Protea + Peony Bouquet

8. This Bright, Feather-Accented Bouquet

9. This Lush Blue + White Bouquet

10. This Tropical Cascading Bouquet

11. This Textural Blush Bouquet

12. This Dried + Fresh Flower Bouquet

from this Bohemian Black Tie Wedding Inspiration // bouquet+ photo by Clayton Austin

13. This Boho Peony Bouquet

14. This Woodsy Foliage Bouquet

Wishing you all an amazing 2016!! We already have some incredible weddings + shoots lined up for this year that we can't wait to share!

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