Practical guestbook is practical: Have guests sign a wine cork board

Practical guestbook is practical: Have guests sign a wine cork board


So Shyn and D'Angelo saved a whole bunch of wine corks to create a cork board on which to pin cards that guests signed at their wedding. The couple created a book later out of all their cute, custom guest cards.

Which is a totally awesome idea on its own, and you should consider stealing it! However, if you're like me ( cough, cough, lazy as fuck), you could turn the wine cork board itself into your guestbook! Save enough corks for each of your guests to sign, set them out at your wedding, and ta-da! Create your wine cork board later, and there you have a super practical guestbook ready for use in your newly wedded home!

Don't know how to make a wine cork board? No prob. You got this. Just make sure all your guests' signatures are right-side-up when you glue the corks down!

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