Readers saved this business and Denver's Anginet Studios gives back with name your price photography

Readers saved this business and Denver's Anginet Studios gives back with name your price photography


We talked with Anginet Page from one of our favorite Denver-based wedding photography businesses, Anginet Studios, about the impact Offbeat Bride readers have had on her business. Let's just say it's... HUGE. Because of this, Anginet has formed an amazing bond with our readers specifically and knows that all of her most kick-ass clients come from this reader base otherwise known as YOU.

Let's hear the story of how Offbeat Bride readers became the match made in heaven for Anginet AND why her pricing totally reflects the needs of you over anything else. Trust me, it's the most rad way of paying for wedding photography ever.

Who is this kick-ass chick, anyway?

Before we get into the story of how Offbeat Bride readers (like offbeat couple Courtney and Sam!) connected with the super retro-adorable Anginet, let's talk a little about who she is. Anginet totally gets offbeat couples, and especially the geeky variety (some of our faves, too!). She's a fan of Star Wars, Harry Potter, pirates, Disney, and all kinds of fandoms. Throw her some offbeat themes and she's yours. You never have to worry about her just not getting your wedding.

One great example of her total understanding of offbeat couples is the need to not be standing around doing formal shots for hours. Anginet offers couples the option of an hour of open photo booth in lieu of a hour of formals at the reception. It's a totally chill way to take group photos without the stress of tracking people down or taking anyone away from the merry-making.

Anginet also really supports the LGBT community and has even been featured in the news after the SCOTUS struck down state gay marriage bans.

I also really love Anginet's take on engagement sessions. She calls them "super dates" because she's essentially going on a date with you to dinners, bars, baseball games, etc. to capture the real you as a couple. She's captured some real moments of love that are hard to capture when just smiling for the camera.

What's the story on saving the biz?

Now let's hear from Anginet herself about the back-story:

True story. Offbeat Bride readers saved my business. A few years ago, my business almost tanked because I was taking advice from industry leaders rather than following my heart and my clientele. The advice I was getting was that I needed to raise my pricing to match my quality of work. While I see that this could work for some, for me it was an epic fail.

I knew I was worth every penny I was charging, but I also knew that as a geeky, price-conscious rockabilly mom, I couldn't even afford me. I always felt icky and apologetic about stretching couples beyond what I knew they could afford. Sometimes couples were able to find the money, but most of the time they weren't.

I was about to give up and close shop. Before I did though, I started thinking about the couples I wanted. I thought about all the weddings I had ever shot and I realized that my favorite weddings had some things in common. First, every wedding I adored photographing was personal to the couple. Second, they all were weddings where the couple had come to me and told me that they loved my work but they knew they couldn't afford me. They came to me hoping I could do something for them. In each of these cases, I asked them what their budget was and then I designed a package to fit what I could do for both of us. I had a light bulb moment: why wasn't I using this same method with everyone? This changed my whole pricing structure and my whole business.

Wait, what's the pricing model?!

Super props to our readers for inspiring such an awesome change to the way one of our vendors provides services to our readers. It's vendor/client magic. Anginet now offers an incredibly different pricing structure to clients: she allows couples to set their own pricing, and then builds a package around what they can do financially. You tell her what you can pay, and she creates a custom package just for your needs. No joke!

Now don't worry, this isn't a "get what you pay for" situation. The beauty of choosing Anginet is that you'll be getting her stellar, high quality photography skills within your budget. It's basically like getting the cream of the crop for an offbeat-friendly wallet. And if you have a larger budget for photography, Anginet can add in some really epic details to the package to make sure that you're getting the most bang for your buck with really beautiful keepsakes and/or extra shooting time.

Here's the catch, Anginet is in-demand for super obvious reasons. There aren't enough days in the year to work with every couple, but she knows that Offbeat Bride readers are who she wants. So if you want to book your date and take advantage of the name your price photography structure, do it as soon as you can so you don't miss out. If you're in the Denver metro area or beyond, don't be shy - go say hello!

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